Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The potential threats that can cause harm to your computer

Fact is that about 3/4ths of the American population are connected to the Internet. This shows how much technology dependant this society is turning into. With over millions of people browsing the Internet every day, every hour, the chances for potential security threats have increased if not doubled. Even a single unsuspecting tap of the key board or click of the mouse may result in a severe loss. Worms and viruses written by cyber criminals of the present days are highly dangerous as they are capable of stealing your personal data and misusing them. It is necessary to keep you computer safe and protected at all times. Failing to install a security tool will not only cause harm to your computer but may cause damage to the other computers connected in your network.
Before choosing an Internet security tool however, having some knowledge about the different types of viruses and worms will help you keep your computer safe.

Unlawful cracking groups and computer hacklers write and develop harmful viruses every other day. You wouldn?t want to choose a software that is not upgraded enough to detect and tackle the kinds of viruses every day. The thing with these threats is that once a computer gets affected with a virus, then there is no stopping it from spreading to the rest of the world in a limited period of time. While some computer viruses and related worms are capable of monitoring your computer?s activities by a third party, some other viruses and bugs are intentionally created to cause damage to your computers.
These computer bugs and viruses will shut down your system and you may end up losing all your important data. In all honesty, I don?t think there?s a purpose for which these malicious albeit pointless attacks on the Internet exist. These viruses were probably created by bored adolescents who didn?t have something better to do. That being said let?s take a look at the types of prevalent programs that can cause harm to your computer:
Adware: These are probably the least harmful softwares developed and need not actually be considered as viruses. Adwares are those pop-up ad windows you see when you visit questionable websites. These ads are usually flash and may sometimes contain keyloggers that are capable of recording your key strokes and sending them across to the hacker.
Spyware: Spyware include softwares such as rootkits, keyloggers etc. These are used to retrieve ransom content or what is known as software designed to harvest profit. Unlike computer viruses and worms that were generally written for pranks or experiments, spyware are the actual kind of software that one needs to be wary of. Spyware are capable of tracking you computer?s activities, record the information and send it away to the third party hacker.
Viruses and worms: These may not actually cause harm to your computer in terms of misusing the data stored there. As told before, computer viruses and worms were probably initiated as experiments or as pranks. Although both viruses and worms usually carry a payload that can trigger malicious actions that harm your computer, there is a certain distinction that separates the two. Viruses need some kind of intervention to spread whereas worms once infected on the system spread automatically.
The above given types of software all come under the broad category of malware. Although there are certain anti-virus softwares to protect your computer from the evils of the Internet, not all of these come equipped with the latest tools to keep your computer protected from all kinds of malware. Also, with quality Internet security tools the price is always almost too high. Therefore it is better to subscribe to an Internet connection such as the one from Charter Communications that provide reliable security packages at reasonable prices.

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